The film team has announced that the trailer of the film 'Thunivu' starring actor Ajith Kumar will be released tomorrow (Dec. 31) at 7 pm. Earlier, the film team had released the names of the main characters in the story of this film.
Actor Ajith is one of the top actors of the Tamil film industry. His last performance was 'Valimai'. He has again acted in 'Thunivu' directed by H. Vinod. This is Ajith's third film directed by H. Vinod. This film is produced by Boney Kapoor on behalf of Zee Studios. Gibran has composed the music for this film.
It is noteworthy that the film team has already released the songs of this film. In this context, the trailer of the film has been announced. The film is releasing for the upcoming Pongal. Ajith and cinema fans are celebrating this announcement of the film crew. It is also trending on social media.